Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur, PIET, a premier institution in engineering education was established in the academic year 2007, is affiliated to Rajasthan Technical University, and approved by AICTE. PIET aims at providing world-class technical and scientific education that can develop a professional outlook in every walk of life and has been ranked 3rd in QIV ranking. Some of notable achievements are as follows:  PIET has been 1st Institution to offer B.Tech CSE in Regional language  PIET is accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).  Two of its programs Namely B.Tech in Computer Engineering and B.Tech in Civil Engineering are accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), India for the quality education.  PIET has been rated PLATINUM in Survey of Industry Linked Technical Institutes conducted by AICTE-CII.  PIET is the only institute in Rajasthan to be funded by AICTE with a fund of Rs. 55Lakh for establishing IDEA Lab.  PIET has been granted in aid of Rs. 12.84314/- for establishing Neural Network& Deep Learning Lab under MODROB Scheme.  Received Research Grant for more than 50 Lakh in 2019-20 & 2020-21 from agencies like TEQIP III, AICTE, NITTTR etc


Department of First Year is the founding department of PIET, established in 2007with the mission of imparting quality teaching and promoting implementation ofpractical aspects of Applied Science to build a solid foundation as part of theEngineering education. The department provides a strong footing to thestudents in first year of the engineering where students get acquainted withwide range of basic science and technical subjects and gets hands on experienceon various instruments. This inculcates confidence and makes them ready forthe task ahead by developing their logical and analytical skills, which will helpthem to prosper further in their career.


"Changes call for innovation, and innovation leads to progress”
Smart cities are sustainable with a high quality of life and economic growth. It requires a shared vision of all stake holders-citizens, public and private organizations and many others. In light of this, Department of First Year, Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology is pleased to announce "International Conference on Smart Innovations for Society" (ICSIS- 2024) under the Smart City Convergence, 2024. Innovation can be defined simply as a "new idea, device or method". However, innovation is often also viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs. This is accomplished through more-effective products, processes, services, technologies, or business models that are readily available to markets, governments and society. The theme “Smart Innovations for Society” focuses on the purpose of innovation is much more profound than just creating greater customer value, better competitive advantage of firms, and an environment for better quality of life. The ultimate goal of innovation should be the creation of a better future. The ultimate purpose of innovation should be much more far reaching, helping create a smart future where people can enjoy the best quality of life possible. Thus, innovation must search for intelligent solutions to tackle major social ills, seek more proactive approaches to predict the uncertain future, and pursue strategies to remove barriers to the smart future. ICSIS-2024 provides an opportunity to all participants’ especially young budding engineers and researchers to interact and share ideas related to the innovation in science and management so that the latest engineering applications and technologies influence the community. This conference therefore will enable young engineers to discuss and deliver their intellectual share on how the recent trends in Science and Management can elevate the living standards of the public and confirming sustainable environment for all.


The topics of the conference include, but are not limited to:

Track-1: Smart Innovations for Systems data Infrastructure
• Use of digital technologies and data
• Smart infrastructure & design
• Smart hardware and software design
• Intelligent communications & networking
• Web and informatics
Track-2: Smart Innovations for Sustainable & Green Initiatives

• Environmental Planning and Management
• Environmental Pollution and Control Strategy
• Wastewater Engineering
• Solid Waste Management
• E-Waste management
• Renewable Sources of Energy
• Recycling and Reuse
• Energy Efficiency
• Bio-fuels
• Biodiversity Conservation
• Soil Conservation
• Disaster Management
• Genome Engineering Technology
• Renewable Energy- A future alternative
• Green Technology and sustainability
• Bio fertiliser and sustainability
Track-3: Smart Material and Technology

• Nanotechnology
• PolymerChemistry
• CeramicandCompositematerials
• SmartInformation&CommunicationTechnology(ICT)
• SafetyandSecurityManagement
• BiomedicalApplications
• BiomedicalSensors&Instrumentation
• SmartMaterialsandIntelligentSystems
Track-4: Smart Society and Innovations in

• Virtual Learning Environments
• Ethical issues in Education
• Research and Globalization
• E-Learning
• Smart Healthcare
• Smart City Examples and Case Studies
Track-5: Smart Innovations in Mathematical Modellings

• Mathematical Modelling & Simulation
• Computational Methods for Fluid Flow
• Statistical Modelling & Applications
• Computational Methods for Linear & Non Linear Optimization
• Mathematical Modelling In Environmental & Bio-Sciences
• Numerical Methods for Solving Non-Linear Problems
Track-6: Smart Innovations in Business Marketing & Management

• International Business Ethics
• Strategic Management
• Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability
• International Trade & Investment
• Business and Sustainable Development
• E-Business and E-Commerce
• Business Economics and Management Science
• Corporate Finance and Governance
• Entrepreneurship & Challenge


• One of the authors must register for the conference and must present the paper himself/herself.

• Online Registration fee shall be deposited in the account mentioned at Registration Page.


Submission Link update in upload paper section

CMT LINK https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICSIS2024/Submission/Manage

For More Information

Contact : Dr. Rekha Rani Agarwal (91-9414030450) • [email protected]

Mr. Rajendra Singh (+91-9414636143) • [email protected]

Visit : http://convergence.poornima.org

Write : [email protected]

Address : ISI-2, RIICO Institutional Area, Sitapura, Jaipur - 302022